Base64 Attachment REST API v1.1

Base64 Attachment REST API v1.1

This plugin provides a REST API that allows upload of Base64 encoded attachments:

  • Direct - allows direct upload of Base64 encoded attachments where metadata are stored in URL

  • JSON - allows upload of Base64 encoded attachments where both attachment and metadata are stored in JSON structure


Both direct and JSON endpoints require preemptive basic authentication.

Direct endpoint


Allows direct upload of Base64 encoded attachments where metadata are stored in URL.

The URL can be parametrized as follows:

  • {issueIdOrKey} - path parameter that should be replaced with the issue id or key

  • {filename} - path parameter that should be replaced with filename that will be displayed in Jira

Additionally, following optional query parameters may be used:

  • contentType - if used, then Jira will store this content type for the uploaded attachment.  If not specified, then internal Jira functionality will decide best content type for uploaded attachment.

  • zipFlag - if used, then the zip flag will be passed to Jira to indicate that the uploaded attachment is a zip archive.


JSON endpoint


Allows upload of Base64 encoded attachments where both attachment and metadata are stored in JSON structure.

The JSON structure included in body can be parametrized as follows:

  • issueIdOrKey - required parameter, should be replaced with the issue id or key

  • base64EncodedData - required parameter, should contain base64 encoded attachment data

  • filename - required parameter, should be replaced with filename that will be displayed in Jira

  • contentType - optional parameter, if used then Jira will store this content type for the uploaded attachment (If not specified, then internal Jira functionality will decide best content type for uploaded attachment)

  • zipFlag - optional parameter, if used then the zip flag will be passed to Jira to indicate that the uploaded attachment is a zip archive






Content Type (HTTP Header)



{ "issueKeyOrId" : "SAM-43", "base64EncodedData" : "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQhCg==", "filename" : "sample.txt", "zipFlag" : "false", "contentType" : "text/plain" }

API Response

This chapter describes the structure of response that is returned by all API endpoints.


All endpoints respond with a JSON response that contain following fields when the API request was processed successfully:

  • result - OK, when attachment was correctly created

  • attachmentId - attachment ID (Note: SD Customer endpoint does not return attachment ids)




All endpoints respond usually with a JSON response that will contain following fields when the API request processing failed:

  • result - ERROR

  • errorMessage - error message

The HTTP status code of an error response will be in the 4** or 5** range.


{"result":"ERROR","errorMessage":"IssueIdOrKey parameter can not be null!"}

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