Zabbix ActiveGate Extension

Dynatrace ActiveGate Extension integrates the Zabbix monitoring system into the Dynatrace environment.

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  • Synchronization of host data from Zabbix

    • Zabbix hosts from monitored groups to Dynatrace entities. A custom device is not created if a Dynatrace host with the same IP address already exists - no duplicate entities in Dynatrace.

    • Hosts information to Dynatrace custom devices, including Zabbix inventory, IP/Hostname and other metadata (configurable)

    • Host TCP port discovery based on Zabbix items (net.tcp.service, net.tcp.port, net.tcp.listen)

    • Optional host IP interface discovery

    • Tag synchronization

    • Service level detection Zabbix monitored hosts

  • Synchronization of problem data from Zabbix

  • Filtering

    • Filtering on host groups

  • Context information

    • Dynatrace Environment URL to link Hosts/Custom Devices and problems in Dynatrace with Zabbix hosts and problems

  • Problem metric

    • metric showing problem count in Zabbix for each Zabbix host (optional)

  • Zabbix technology

    • Groups all custom devices from Zabbix servers created by Zabbix ActiveGate extension into groups by your choice

    • A special group with the name Zabbix Servers is created for reporting integration status.



