

Install the plugin from the Atlassian marketplace

Next we have few more steps for it to work.

Basic steps

Before you setup the Dynatrace Environment, you may choose here are some basic steps.

Create/reuse Jira Project

First choose the Jira project you want the integration plugin to create issues to. It may be an existing project, or a new one. You may connect your testing Dynatrace tenant to a Jira testing project and the production tenant to a production project.

Then create a Dynatrace Integration user in Jira and assign him to the Jira project.

In the project, create a component (Dynatrace).

Add/create an Insight Schema

Choose an existing Insight schema, where you want to place the Dynatrace Smartscape topology or create a new one.

Create some custom fields in Jira

If you want to get an Insight context to your Dynatrace issues, create some custom fields (and configure them and feel free to add a prefix):

  • Problem ID (text single line)

  • Problem tags (labels)

  • Environment (text single line)

  • Root cause (insight single) or label

  • Affected cis (insight single) or label.

Create a Dynatrace environment

Now it’s time to create a dynatrace environment in your Jira. In the Administration part select Manage apps and choose Create Environment under DYNATRACE INTEGRATION FOR JIRA. (or find it using period [.] and search for Create Environment).


Here you have to choose a name for your environment (and it’s good to also add a description), then fill in some fields. For start fill in the:

  • Environment URL - the URL to your Dynatrace environment

  • Access Token - a Dynatrace environment API token with topology, synthetics, problem and maintenance permissions

Setup Dynatrace enviroment

Now it’s time to setup the created environment. Check for Issue Preview, to see how the settings will reflect in the Jira issue.

Issue Settings tab

Here you must do some general settings:

  • Technical User - the Dynatrace integration user (will be used to create issues in JIRA)

  • Project - the project in which the Jira issues will be created

  • Issue Type - the issue type (e.g. Incident)

  • Issue Title - the Issue summary generated by Dynatrace problem

  • Components - the components attached to ceated issues

  • Resolution State - the issue resolution state.


Priority Mapping tab

This tab contains the Jira <> Dynatrace priority mappings for various event types: Resource, Slowdown, Error, Availability and Custom.

Custom Fields tab

Here you can map some Dynatrace context to the custom fields previously created:

  • Problem ID - Holds problem ID used to get problem information from Dynatrace

  • Problem tags - Holds problem tags used for filtering by tag

  • Environment - Holds Dynatrace environment name to determine environment configuration applied

  • Root Cause - Holds root cause entity of Dynatrace problem with link to Insight CMDB

  • Affected Entities - Holds entities affected by Dynatrace problem with links to Insight CMDB

Insight Schema tab

In this tab you can select the Insight schema which will contain the Dynatrace topology for the environment and the attribute label used in IQL for entity search (by ID).


Integration Level tab

Here you can set some integration level settings:

  • Integration features - enable or disable theese features: Show Problem Panel, Update Problems Over Time, Comment in Dynatrace

  • Update Interval - How often are issues updated to reflect Dynatrace problem changes

  • Notification Events - Events creating problem comments in Dynatrace environment.

  • Workflow Events - Project with issue type needs to be set.

Comment Format tab

Here you can set the comment message format for various events in Jira like: Create, Update, Assigned, Resolved, Closed, …

The Issue Preview will look something like this:


Configure Smartscape synchronization

Create Import configuration/Insight structure

In order to create a Dynatrace Insight structure, you need to define an Import Connection. Use your own schema (or the one you have just created) and click Configure schema > Import. If you have no import connections created, hit Be the first to create one, otherwise just click Create Configuration.


Next select Smartscape Topology Import to import the Dynatrace Smartscape Topology and relations into your Insight schema.

The wizard will guide you through some configuration steps regarding:

General Fields

Here you can set some basic fields like Name, Description, Concatenator or Date/Time format.


Module Fields

Here you can set the Dynatrace environment which Topology should you like to import or use the Topology Filter field to retrieve the subset of data you want from Dynatrace.



Here you can set some scheduling fields.

Now you can use the Create predefined structure and Create predefined configuration functions to create your structure.


Under the Import you can see the created objects and attributes:

Next you can configure an existing or create your own object type mapping using Create Object Type mapping.

Finally, Enable the import and Synchronize.

Congratulations, your Dynatrace Smartscape Topology is now imported in your Insight Schema!


Configure Problem synchronization

Integrate with Dynatrace

Here you can find some steps needed for synchronization setup on the Dynatrace side. In Jira Administration, on the Dynatrace Environments settings page choose Integrate and follow the instructions (click on the link to go to the integration webhook).


On the Dynatrace side, setup custom integration:

  • Name - choose a name

  • Webhook Url - copy the Webhook Url from Jira

  • Custom payload - copy the Custom payload from Jira

  • Create basic autorization header - use the credentials for the Dynatrace integration account created in JIRA.


Now just send a test notification and save.

Your Dynatrace Problems are now synchoronized to Jira.

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