

Frequently asked questions about the Nagios ActiveGate Extension

How can I get the extension?

Please, do not hesitate and contact us, we are happy to show you how this integration works, and if you are interested, we will provide you a time-limited trial, to test it in your environment!

You can download the latest version on the pageDownload , but it will need the license key anyway.

I would like to see a live DEMO, what should I do?

Please, do not hesitate and contact us, we are happy to show you how this integration works, and if you are interested, we will provide you time-limited trial, to test it in your environment!

What is the licensing/pricing for this integration?

This is a commercial extension with a Subscription license.

Is there any impact on Dynatrace licenses consumption?

Our extension has no impact on Dynatrace HU or DEM consumption. It has an impact on Davis Data Units consumption. Creating and refreshing the topology consumes DDUs. Each problem event synchronized from Nagios to Dynatrace consumes DDU. The extension may ingest the "Number of open problems" metric on every Nagios device into Dynatrace. But you may decide, whether you want to ingest this metric data into Dynatrace, or not.

A rough estimation of the amount of DDUs consumed by metric ingest per year can be obtained through the following formula:

(525.6 * number of problems / Dynatrace problem resend time [min]) +
(525.6 * number of Zabbix hosts * number of links to Nagios host groups per host / Refresh Nagios Host entities in Dynatrace [min]) +
(525.6 * number of synchronized Zabbix problems)

* An option from the extension’s configuration is marked in bold

Are there any configuration changes needed in Nagios?

No! All you need is to provide Nagios credentials in Integration configuration and that's it!

This Nagios integration looks very good, but we use different monitoring tool. Is it possible to integrate other tools into Dynatrace?

Of course! This monitoring consolidation concept is proven and will work with any monitoring tool.

Do you use Zabbix? Please check the Dynatrace Zabbix Integration.

If you use a different monitoring tool, let us know and we will be happy to look into it and discuss your options!

Who develops/maintains this integration?

This integration is developed and maintained by Alanata, Master Dynatrace Partner for Slovakia and Czech republic.

We have a team with over 25 years of experience in ICT management and monitoring, and currently, we have 5 certified Dynatrace professionals and 7 certified Dynatrace associates.

If you have any Dynatrace or monitoring-related questions, give them a shot and contact us, our team is ready to help you.


How to contact support?

If you have any questions or you want to create a new support ticket you can contact us via Support portal page https://alanata.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/7





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