Installation v1.x DEPRECATED

Installation v1.x DEPRECATED

The extension is distributed as the file custom.remote.python.zabbix-VERSION.zip

Deployment process

  1. Import extension into Dynatrace server. Import file custom.remote.python.zabbix-VERSION.zip by pressing button in Dynatrace GUI: Settings->Monitoring->Monitoring technologies->Custom extensions->Upload extension

  2. Click on Zabbix ActiveGate Extension (version x.y) and press the button Add new endpoint

  3. Deploy extension zip file to ActiveGate server
    - For Linux server unzip file into /opt/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/plugin_deployment
    - For MS Windows server unzip the file into C:\Program Files\dynatrace\remotepluginmodule\plugin_deployment

  4. Restart Remote plugin service
    - For Linux server execute: systemctl restart remotepluginmodule
    - For MS Windows server: Restart Dynatrace RemotePlugin Module service


Check the log file after endpoint configuration:

  • For Linux server: /var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/log/remoteplugin/custom.remote.python.zabbix/ZabbixPluginRemote.log

  • For Windows server: c:\ProgramData\dynatrace\remotepluginmodule\log\remoteplugin\custom.remote.python.zabbix\ZabbixPluginRemote.log

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