Configuration v1.x DEPRECATED

Configuration v1.x DEPRECATED

Prior to configuring the extension in the Dynatrace UI, please

  1. Create Zabbix user that will be used by the extension

  2. Create a Dynatrace API token with the following permissions:

    1. API v2: Ingest events

    2. API v2: Read entities

    3. API v2: Write entities

Extension endpoint configuration provides these options:

  • Dynatrace custom device group - Name of created custom device group in Dynatrace, which will group all Zabbix hosts created as Custom Devices (mandatory to fill)

  • Zabbix API URL - URL of Zabbix server (mandatory to fill)

  • Zabbix Username - User name to connect to Zabbix API (mandatory to fill)

  • Zabbix Password - Password to connect to Zabbix API (mandatory to fill)

  • Zabbix timeout - Timeout in seconds for Zabbix API response

  • Verify Zabbix server certificate - Enables/disabled certificate validation for Zabbix connectivity

  • Zabbix CA certificates - Path to CA bundle with CA certificates to be used for verification (if using custom CA) in PEM format. Used only if verification is turned on. If not specified, built-in CA certificates are used.

  • Zabbix HostGroups to include - Semicolon delimited list of Zabbix host groups to include (other Zabbix hosts are ignored)

  • Zabbix refresh hosts - Interval in minutes for querying Zabbix API for hosts and inventory data. Hosts and inventory is queried on extension startup and periodically afterward

  • Synchronize Zabbix problems - Enables/disables Zabbix problem synchronization

  • Problems not older than - Synchronize problems from Zabbix not older than (days), 0 = No limit

  • Synchronize Zabbix tags - Flag to synchronize tags from Zabbix host to Dynatrace

  • Zabbix tag prefix - Prefix for Zabbix tags in Dynatrace

  • Interfaces key - Zabbix item key in inventory with all interfaces for host

  • Zabbix metadata keys - Semicolon separated names of Zabbix items keys to used in Custom device metadata

  • Dynatrace Environment URL - URL for Dynatrace environment used for Entity v2 API calls. If you want to communicate through the gateway and not directly to the server, use the address in the format: https://localhost:9999/e/EnvironmentID  In this case, the server certificate cannot be verified. (mandatory to fill)

  • Dynatrace API Token - Dynatrace API token with the following scope access (mandatory to fill)

    • API v2: Ingest events

    • API v2: Read entities

    • API v2: Write entities

  • Verify Dynatrace server certificate - Enables/disabled certificate validation for Dynatrace connectivity

  • Dynatrace CA certificates - Path to CA bundle with CA certificates to be used for verification (if using custom CA) in PEM format. Used only if verification

  • Zabbix severity Disaster - Zabbix severity to Dynatrace severity mapping

  • Zabbix severity High - Zabbix severity to Dynatrace severity mapping

  • Zabbix severity Average - Zabbix severity to Dynatrace severity mapping

  • Zabbix severity Warning - Zabbix severity to Dynatrace severity mapping

  • Zabbix severity Information - Zabbix severity to Dynatrace severity mapping

  • Zabbix severity not classified - Zabbix severity to Dynatrace severity mapping

  • Zabbix severity tag key - Tag key in Zabbix problem which overrides default severity mapping. Allowed values for the tag are Availability, Error, Slowdown, Resource, Suppress

  • Zabbix tag for Dynatrace entities - Zabbix tag name for lookup of Dynatrace entities where will be event sent. Tag value must contain entity id or entity selector. For example, CUSTOM_DEVICE-B8873961CE3ACCE0 or type("APPLICATION"),entityName("zabbix-dev"). If the tag is set for Zabbix Host and also on the trigger, tag from the trigger is only used as a target for the event.

  • Dynatrace entitySelector cache timeout - Time in seconds how long are results from Dynatrace entitySelector cached

  • Zabbix refresh triggers - Interval in minutes between refresh of Zabbix trigger data

  • Problems title prefix - Set problems title prefix, e.g. Zabbix: or [Zabbix]

  • Dynatrace problem resend time - Interval in minutes for resending events to Dynatrace to keep the problem open in Dynatrace. The specified time should be less than 15 minutes. Each problem event sent consumes 0.001 DDU.

  • Dynatrace refresh host entities - Interval in minutes for querying Dynatrace API for host entities and their IPs is turned on. If not specified, built-in CA certificates are used.

  • Problem metric - Set to true to push data to problem metric (count of problems for each created custom device). If a problem doesn’t exist on the host, metric data are not sent. Consumes 0.001DDU/minute.

  • Candidate to Custom device - Create Custom devices in Dynatrace for Monitoring candidates.

  • Use Events API - If enabled, Zabbix problems are sent using Events API instead of the ActiveGate extension

  • Allow Davis merge - Allow Davis AI to merge events into existing problems (true) or force creating a new problem (false). Works only if ‘Use Events API’ is enabled.

  • Debug - Set to on to enable DEBUG logging on each extension query run

  • License – Valid license required (mandatory to fill)

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